Thursday, September 29, 2011

George Clooney Says: Obama Is Smarter Than Anybody You Know.

From The Telegraph: The Hollywood actor campaigned for Obama during the last election and speaks up regularly on political issues, leading some to posit him as the Democrats’ answer to Ronald Reagan.
 How the heck  would George Libtard know what “smart” is?  The easiest way to make the left wing actors irrelevant is to stop buying, stop renting and stop going to see their movies. I have started my own little campaign vowing to not give them any of my money. I don’t see many movies these days since so many actors are nut cases and so far left, but to me my own war on their stupidity is worth it. If millions of the conservatives quit supporting the liberal actors maybe they wouldn’t have such pull in the media or the public. Why does the media and the public think their “upity” thoughts are the gospel and more important than anyone else. Clearly they are not.

Blacks have been suckered in by the democrats..

 The Democrats will tell you  that.
1. You cant succeed without handouts, welfare, food stamps, jobs training, lower entrance scores, lower test grades.
2. You need big govt to save, protect, lift you.
3. You cant learn like whites and Asians. This is due to poor schools
4. You must blame others for your status, lack of success or outright failure
5. Non union, charter schools are racist and are not needed for success just more $$ for public schools and more promises.
6. Promises of future success is always just a few years away…Do not make liberals accountable for any success in the “future”. They simply need more time and Money
7. Having kids out of wedlock and while in school is a good way to get more $$$$$ instead of less
8. Its Bushes/ GOP fault …they hate black people.

I am sure that Herman Cain's fellow blacks are already calling him an Oreo or a house N.
The most racist people in America ar
e the Democrats.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama has the Blacks brainwashed.

Obama has the Blacks brainwashed, that's why they vote for the program that pays them to not work. It votes for the party that gives them the most stuff. They vote for the party that gives them rewards they do not earn. Blacks aren’t stupid, they’re just too lazy to realize that a far better life is enjoyed by those who work. Many blacks do attempt to improve themselves but most don’t and even successful blacks will vote for another black regardless, as long as he follows the tribal line.
That’s why Cain won’t be backed by blacks. He preaches independence, self reliance, and independence. Not much there for race hustlers.